First Class & More for iOS (Swift)

First Class & More is a leading German deals platform providing it’s members with exclusive travel deals. The Brief: First Class & More already had a web version and upon request of their members, they decided to invest in an iOS application. The application had to integrate with their existing backend to bring the users all the deals to their members with a great user experience. The application also had to allow users to configure and filter their deals preference with complex algorithms which was a mobile only feature. Some important technologies used to develop this app: Realm Database AlamoFire WKWebView Firebase RESTful APIs Facebook SDK Google Analytics Localization to support English & German AutoLayout

ClientFirst Class & More
SkillsApp Development

First Class & More for iOS (Swift)

First Class & More is a leading German deals platform providing it’s members with exclusive travel deals. The Brief: First Class & More already had a web version and upon request of their members, they decided to invest in an iOS application. The application had to integrate with their existing backend to bring the users all the deals to their members with a great user experience. The application also had to allow users to configure and filter their deals preference with complex algorithms which was a mobile only feature. Some important technologies used to develop this app: Realm Database AlamoFire WKWebView Firebase RESTful APIs Facebook SDK Google Analytics Localization to support English & German AutoLayout